Actually maybe sucker-punching Buck wasn’t a great idea after all…
That’s it for the 5-page Helvetica update! I really hope you enjoyed it. I have to get back to work on Barbarous again, but I hope to pick up again soon. If you enjoy Helvetica and stories about supernatural interpersonal drama, you’ll love Barbarous!! Please check it out and support it ♥
Thanks again for reading ♥
You can also find me on twitter and tumblr if you’re interested in keeping in touch with me or seeing my other work.
This series gives me life.
I’m done. Comic takes way too long to update, comes back, then leaves again.
The person is likely in some sort of unforgiving work environment, and possible in a bad pinch right now. Not everyone can constantly update, which you seem to think they do. Just because there’s not much coming out of the series right now, doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. There are some cases where it doesn’t continue, or maybe something happens to the author or artist and they can’t keep working on this. However, In those unlikely events, it’s likely that we will be warned.
i wonder tho, why can’t he update something like “sorry i’m in a big hiatus” or just outright says that he CAN’T, i just discovered this comic, binge watched it like two days ago and seeing all of those comments makes me worry about the creator… are they alright?
I actually contacted the author fairly recently, and they just haven’t had enough time. They also said that it was wearing down on them, drawing the same characters over and over again for one scene, so they had to take a break. They said that they definitely will come back, they just don’t know when. (sorry for replying a real long time after this comment was made, but I ony recently got into this comic.)
Actually the timing of this comment is a huge relief to me cuz I wasn’t completely sure if this would continue. I’ve seen artists become disinterested and leave their comics before, then just summarize it in one post later. Anyway, the timing of this comment was actually really helpful. Thanks for this.
Omg, I loved the update!! Just keep doin your best, I know how it is it not have a very forgiving schedule!
I literally checked every single day for an update…then in 2018 I decide to check it again. Turns out it updated in 2017, but in December! So, I never knew it updated until now. Now I’m sad. I also remember reading Barbarous, and then I waited for an update on that. Though good art takes a lot of time and effort, and you can’t expect people to work on it all the time. People have stuff to do, because they have their life.
I literally blasted right through this half an hour. I like it a lot, and I’m really looking forward to when it updates next.
This comic is great. At first I thought it was one of those that is almost finished already and I would have to read the whole way through before getting caught up and actually having updates, but…..THE STORY’S JUST GETTING STARTED!! Thank you so much for your amazing art and storyline and for taking the time to share this masterpiece with us!!!!
Reader’s Log Number 234
Half a year, still no update. Summer is coming, maybe when I come back to school it will be updated? Maybe there is no hope for this web comic. Could it be dead now?
WAIT A MINUTE! THIS WEB COMIC IS LIKE SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT! I haven’t read those books yet but I’m interested in reading them since I found out about them today (when I posted this comment) BUT I READ THE DISTRIBUTION OF IT AND IT’S LIKE SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT! I need to find a Skulduggery Pleasant book-
Sweet! My school library has the first four books of Skulduggery Pleasant-
Hey there, just discovered this comic, hope the creator is alright <3 lovely story and artwork
This cliffhanger makes me a little anxious!
I hope to see this webcomic continue, or something like that! It’s so nice, I love this story a lot.
I check this comic almost daily hoping for a new update! I really hope something comes soon! (I get that the author is busy, and I’m not trying to rush them or make them uncomfortable, but I think it would be nice for even just an update on when an update is probably going to happen.) <3
“This is your new partner?” hmmm is ol Light Bulb Head a jealous lover? (Don’t tell me I’m wrong I just need theories to tide me over)
“Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.”
Helvetica is kind of like that. It’s a wonderful story regardless of how long it is or the update schedule, and I check for an update every six months or so. Thanks for writing.
If this never updates, I’ll just assume Buck goes Neagan on GH’s ass.
Actually what happens is GH is punched by Buck and then GH straight up punches him so hard that he falls out the window.
Shoes fall off too.
THE AUTHOR IS NOT OBLIGATED TO UPDATE REGULARLY ON A COMIC THEY DRAW FOR FREE . (Even if you support them on Patreon. It was your choice to TIP the artist. The author did not force you to. YOUR DOLLAR A MONTH DOES NOT ENTITLE TO THEIR WORK WHEN YOU WANT IT.
THE *clap* AUTHOR *clap* IS *clap* NOT *clap* OBLIGATED *clap* TO *clap* UPDATE *clap* REGULARLY *clap* ON *clap* A *clap* COMIC *clap* THEY *clap* DRAW *clap* FOR *clap* FREE *clap*. (Even if you support them on Patreon. It was your choice to TIP the artist. The author did not force you to that.)
If you didn’t like punching him you can go back. It’s really ok, but damn. The last update in December? Still would love to see more.
It’s upsetting how long the comic takes but I’m willing to wait… very afraid for Heavens right now, even though I’m not Heavens the one word looping around in my head when he punched him was “Regret-” constantly… I hope he doesn’t get hurt for this but he probably will, it’s basically the mafia, I can feel such fear right now. ;-;
I had no idea you were also working on Barbarous! Love that comic. What are you doing on it, if you don’t mind me asking?
This is the sort of thing that you look at once, come back 3 years later and HOLY WALRUS it updated a good amount! And then you reread and remember it was fun.
At least it’s not like the tf2 comics, were you have to wait every four years for the next comic. Btw keep up the good work!
Is…. is the creator ever gonna post again? This was my first online comment and I was in love with it since page 1. I understand it’s tough out there and we’re all just struggling to move from day, but can we have a little bit of an update for this comic?
She might surprise us again on December like last year. :)
Especially if that update happens to be on Christmas, that would be awesome.
I hope things are going well for you!! This comic is amazing and I would hate to see it die… An unforgiving work environment and a busy schedule is really hard to maintain, and can be very stressful!! By the way, the art is absotoodleylutely amazing and the story is incredibly creative, even for how much there is. I like it a lot, and I really hope we get to find out what happens to GH!!
Yo I’ve been following this comic for a long time and it’s amazing and absolutely worth waiting for. To the people bitching about updates: shut the fuck up. It’s attitudes like yours that suck the motivation out of creators. If you’re impatient and don’t want to support or read any more, just leave. You’re doing nothing but being an entitled brat. Go be obnoxious elsewhere please.
I LOVE this comic, and I adore the art style! It’s totally worth any wait for an update!!
I have not given up on this comic. Still checking occasionally. It’s worth the wait and don’t mind. Glad to see people know that the artist doesn’t need to update constantly to have a good comic. There are plenty of comics out there that everyone can read while they wait. No need to feel limited.
I would wait forever for a new page!
This comic is so good and aaaaah!
I hope you are doing well!
December 30, 2017..
-so will this ever be updated? I’m new and it’s August 26th 2018, Sunday.
It’s a rly interesting comic, has something happened to the artist/writer? are they okay?
It just takes jones a lot of time with each update, and they’ve said that they prefer to upload a few pages at once rather than just one at a time. Plus, they’re job keeps them pretty busy so they can’t spend as much time on the comic. It sucks, but I’m just glad that we got such a great story, and hell, even if it only updates once every year or two, it’s still a fun ride. Given that it’s a hobby that Jones is kind enough to share with the rest of us, I’m pretty content. But it might just be easier to wait until the comic is completed if that frustrates you, which is also totally understandable
They’re fine. They just have a job that takes up most of their time.
I will literally wait forever for this comic to update if I have to. It’s so good I can’t wait but I’ll be patient hope your doing well Wiedle.
I do hope to see more of this sometime, it’s terribly intriguing.
I love this series! <3
Are you planning on setting up a discord by any chance? :)
whoops, looks like this posted twice
Are you planning on setting up a discord by any chance? :)
Who’s still here? I remember the last time the hiatus lasted from my freshman to senior year of high school. I wonder if it will be the same for my college years lol~
I meant sophomore year! Sorry
Been here since 7th grade maybe???
In 11th grade right now lol
This is the best fandom because the waiting brings us together lol! Sometimes I just check out this comment section just to browse and see how everyone is doing. We’ve all been here for so long and I recognize the OG’s in here lol. Like a forum!!
I am still here
This comic is so good I ended up reading all 99 pages in one day.
I love this comic. I’ve loved it since 6th grade and I’m almost done with high school. I will wait out hiatus’ with the patience of a new mother of quadruplets.
I think it’s finally dead. On Twitter, the last time J.N. actually mentioned Helvetica is about July 15th, maybe the 14th of September if you consider acknowledging that it’s perpetually on hiatus when talking about Undertale. Granted, the last update before this was January of 2016. I’d like to see J.N. pull a fast one on us and release another update around the end of 2019. Hell, better late than never, right? I mean, what’d I’d really like to see is them stick to making Helvetica, but I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon. J.N. hasn’t even updated the copyright. It still says 2011-2017. I think it might finally be dead, laid to rest. Of course, I’d hate for that to happen, but I think it’s high time for it to end. It’s sad, especially now, considering the story was finally picking up. Even if it does get continued at some point, if it’s after 2019, I don’t think I’ll end up returning to it. Getting strung along like this is torturous to me.
Well, there’s loads of other stories out there. I would consider looking into Scurry, Harpy Gee, Bittersweet Candy Bowl, Beyond the Western Deep, and Lackadaisy! Great webcomic with exciting plot, great characters, and so much more :)
I’ve found this comic in Middle School, fell in love with it, then binged the entire thing. I might have been a bit overzealous…heh heh.
Point is, I hope the creator is alright and not feeling to pressured. I know how stressful expected updates can be. I’m still hopeful, though, waiting, just in case. But I hope we can all agree that the well being of the HUMAN BEING behind the skeletons is more important than them pumping out content like a machine.
If it does pick up: I’ll be here IMMEDIATELY!
SO. I read the whole comic today and saw the cliffhanger, and I slammed my laptop in frustration and broke a key. ;-;
I asked them on Twitter. They still intend on continuing! Don’t give up hope.
This comic is so wonderful! I’m so lucky to have found it just today! Thanks for all the work that you do, and thanks for posting this at all! What a lovely story, and a perfect take on the noir-detective format. Lucy is my absolute favourite, but I also am totally rooting for Helvetica. And Steak and Good Heavens are so cute! I’m rooting for them all!
aw man I just realized we’re on page 99. What a tease!!
I understand that we, as readers, are not entitled to anything from the author, as this webcomic is something free that they provide to us. However, I feel like a lot of us are worried, or at least somewhat concerned as to the artist’s whereabouts and well-being, or their progress on the webcomic, especially since its almost been a year since the last update. I’m sure that at least some of us would at least like some form of contact from the author on this site, since most of us might not have the ability to scroll for hours on end to find the tiniest update on how the comic is coming along.
Man, I just heard of this comic today and read the whole thing under an hour. :D
Dunno what’s up with the author, but I hope they’ll alright and continue it sometime.
Tbh the same thing happened to me when I started reading it. The author does plan to continue this, but according to what I’ve read from comments from people who have contacted them, they just don’t have a lot of time and prefer not to post one page at a time. It will continue, it’ll just be awhile. Since a year hasn’t gone by without an update, I’m guessing it’ll be another December update.
until it updates i’ve just kinda assumed Buck spontaneously combusts, GH and steak make out, and then everyone goes for icecream.
I’m down for this.
Oof, I should have checked the last publish date before reading. I barely read comics/books anymore, but this was a fun little ride while it lasted. The expressive artwork and the color schemes throughout the pages were really nice, too.
Hey, you work with Yuko and Ananth? Cool!
make the comic yourself you self centered prick