074 by j.n. wiedle on May 1, 2015 at 7:39 PM Chapter: Chapter 2 I don’t think those are the neighbors. If you’ve been enjoying Helvetica, please consider donating to my patreon to help keep it alive! Also, I have an ask.fm if you’d ever like to ask me something!
its never the neighbors
Are there even any neighbours
also bonestaches? why do they make that face? where do i get cool clothes like that?
I believe in Steak. He’s a big guy.
He can pound them, and then send them packing!
oh nooo troubleee
i feel like steak has just gotten sassier and sassier
these are steak’s greeters, i believe
I bet when steak was alive people thought he was fat. But now we know that probably wasn’t the case. He’s just big boned.
Arrrrg! Well, someone had to say it! :D
Dude… just stop opening the door or use the peep hole but this is getting ridiculous
I love the look of that last panel, damn.
I’ve been waiting for these guys to show up. They’ve been in panels since Helvetica and Autumn left the diner.
Unsavory things are about to hit the fan, I think.
Moustaches? How do they grow moustaches? So many questions… Well one. One question.
Looks like they need to invest in a peephole.
Oh my!
Uh oh.
I’d like to think they spend a good 10-15 minutes every morning drawing those moustaches(and eyebrows?) on. Gotta keep up appearances.
The Moustache guys look like Don Ameche in the film, “That Night in Rio” (1941), or something. : )
Huh kinda does
How come it’s never the neighbors…
Cause the neighbors are always on vacation.
when I die I wanna look that good
are those thin mustache hairs carved in? ‘Cuz that would be great.
Aren’t these steaks greeters? From the flashback?