027 by j.n. wiedle on January 6, 2012 at 6:01 PM Chapter: Chapter 1 Look Steak, Helvetica doesn’t have any sunglasses, he can’t possibly deal with it.
awww how can helvetica stay mad at good heavens’ sad face in that last panel?
your colouring and poses get better and beter.
The emotion in this, especially the 1st and 5th panels, amazes me to no end :D
I love this comic so much
Your comment had me laughing harder and longer than I have in a long time, haha.
… sunglasses.
Jeez Louise.
Love the comic– I’m not much of a commenter myself, but I thoroughly enjoy every update :)
ahahahahahaha sunglasses
Helvetica right now: http://i.imgur.com/O07Vt.gif
*cough* http://tinyurl.com/dealwithitvet *cough*
Just a little thing for ol’ helvetica ;)
Oh my god, haha this is brilliant.
love this comic! i followed a link from fishbones and as soon as i saw it i actually sqee’d at the art.
literally sans and papyrus
I just started reading this comic and it’s reminding me so much of Grim Fandango but with a twist – I love it so much!